

Details for dive number 193

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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8 Jul 1984 Helena Faulbaums Belnahua Oban Scotland Wreck site 60 15 45 Iain Hosking, John Llambias Five stars Dived before calculated slack. Followed shotline down to the wreck at 55m. Shot was in hold behind bridge. Finned forwards past davits, remains of funnel, crockery etc to bridge. Binnacles etc still there. Swam aft again over holds, past mast (broken) and winches, over stern and down to prop. No blades visible [probably broken off when the ship hit the reef]. Rudder intact. Forward again and into hold, along prop shaft tube to engine room bulkhead. Cyalume lightstick showed up clearly. own, Rollo's twin 55s, -4lbs. Used 150 ats on dive, 50 on stops. Air consumption 0.75 cfm.