

Details for dive number 194

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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15 Jul 1984 Kintyre Wemyss Bay Clyde Scotland Wreck site 40 11 11 Iain Hosking, Keith Chidwick, Stuart Vance Five stars Warm, sunny day, wind NW 3. Dived at 3pm, 1 hour after HW Greenock. Threesome with Keith and Stuart. Down line to starboard side opposite winch and swam all round superstructure. Very clear - 30ft at least. Found a large conger and a porthole with glass and clamp screw. Female cuckoo wrasse and pollack. Ace dive. Ridley's transits are not exact. own, twin 55s, 24lbs. 100 ats used.