

Details for dive number 192

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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7 Jul 1984 Helena Faulbaums Belnahua Oban Scotland Wreck site 53 15 35 Iain Hosking, John Llambias Four stars Dived with John at 3pm, over 1 hour after end of slack (HW neaps). Current on the way down. Shot line was on starboard side behind bridge, by anchor, lifting bag etc abandoned by last group the previous weekend. Disentangled it, cut excess rope, inflated lifting bag and tied it off to shot. Didn't see much of the wreck. Vis 20-30ft. own, except Rollo's twin 55s. 4lbs less weight (24lbs)