

Details for dive number 567

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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7 Feb 2021 Magic Point Cronulla Sydney Australia 17 45 48 Iain Hosking, Gordon Pearce Three stars Departed Sans Souci wharf (just west of Rocky Point Road) at 8am in unexpectedly good conditions. Briiefing was comprehensive, and the boar anchor was right above the cave where a couple of grey nurse sharks hang out, so there they were as advertised. Visibility wasn't great but managed to capture a few atmospheric video clips. When we'd seen enough of the sharks (and probably to their relief) we headed left round the end of the reef, where a wobbegong was lying on a ledge. Then back to where the anchor had been, only to find it wasn't there any more. This meant a free ascent, a midwater stop and a fair snorkel back to the boat. Fourth Element dry suit, Oceanic Chute 2, 12 litre tank. 29lbs