

Details for dive number 552

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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16 Oct 2016 Long Bay Fisherman's Road, Malabar Sydney Australia 10 53 53 Iain Hosking, Kevin Doherty Two stars Second dive of the day. Kevin agreed we should dive as a pair, and we headed east towards a fisherman on a rocky point. We had a lengthy snorkel before we hit a diveable depth, and then there was a long spell at 3m, over a depressing amount of rubbish and little life other than stripey and goatfish, but we eventually saw a ray, and the return trip was much better, amongst sandstone boulders and overhangs. I even caught a glimpse of an octopus; an orange leg in a crevice with shells stuck to his suckers. He retreated fast, though. It was hard to escape the impression that the sea life was either fished out or scared. Fourth Element dry suit, steel tank, Arctic, 27 lbs