

Details for dive number 507

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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23 Apr 2000 Idol Bay Forster Australia 10 42 44 Iain Hosking, Andrew Kennedy Four stars A shallow second dive in a fishy paradise, made more challenging by strong wave action. Lots of juvenile warm water fish including spotted box fish (tiny one, like a pea) and lovely colourful blue fish with yellow tails. Groper, toadfish, pipefish, butterflyfish, leatherjacket, cowfish, fiddler ray, shovel-nosed ray, nannegai, cup coral, wrasse. Saw one wrasse slurp up a small school fish while it was distracted by a heavier swell than usual. own, except hired tank (85 cu.ft. steel). No lifejacket - very comfortable without it.