

Details for dive number 505

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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9 Apr 2000 Barron's Hut off Port Hacking Sydney Australia 27 32 34 Iain Hosking, Andrew Kennedy, Martin Zolfel Three stars Another 8am dive, leaving at 6.15am and arriving at Dolan's Bay Wharf at exactly 7.30. At least with daylight saving ended we had light. Dived with Andrew, Martin and Paul from across the road. Good conditions - sunny with only around 1m swell. Vis reasonably good. Swam through the cave and then north to the split. Saw two 6 foot wobbegongs and two cuttlefish, as well as stripeys, leatherjacket (brown/black with yellow circles round the eyes), groper, morwong, bullseyes, goatfish (feeding energetically in the sand) and nudibranchs, one with orange spots as well as the usual dark red-spottedone. Usual Max Western feast after the dive, plus hot cross buns. Lazy afternoon. Dry suit, no lifejacket (left it in the car). Too heavy with both weight belts, so too much air in suit, so too warm(!)