

Details for dive number 409

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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27 May 1990 Shiprock Port Hacking Sydney Australia 14 45 45 Iain Hosking, Crawford Foster Three stars All EUSAC visitors get taken to this spot. A good dive (except for the leaky suit) with heaps of leatherjacket (including one new to me - fan-bellied), all eating the soft coral, and old wives, catfish, rock cod (ugly), flounder, magpie morwong, immaculate damsel. Best moment was Crawford's close encounter with a numbfish (electric ray). Finished off with an octopus - amazing colour changes. Discovered the cause of the leak in the left sleeve - the Draeger mushroom valve - then spoilt it by melting a hole in the cuff. Saturated during the dive - amazing that so much water can enter through one small hole.