

Details for dive number 396

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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3 Sep 1989 Fly Point Nelson Bay Australia 24 32 35 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Three stars We're trying to dive more often now. Nelson Bay was said to be excellent for shore diving, so here we are. Up at 7.45 am (stayed in caravan at Anna Bay). Fly Point is a popular spot for the local dive schools. The site, in short, is unspectacular as far as geology is concerned, being a shallow slope to sand at 24m, but the fish life is comprehensive. We started with a family of cuttlefish, which changed from black and white stripes, through orange, to light sandy, then it was mado, wrasse, a hungry big groper, small moray eels, a wobbegong, rays and an octopus, which spread itself out very decoratively over the rocks and turned its body black and its legs sandy-coloured. Ran out of air too soon (Judith in Scuba Warehouse only filled my tank to 150 bar) and surfaced to find two boats racing one another between us and the shore. Nerve-wracking snorkel back to the exit. Probably not a site to repeat. (HW slack 10.20am. Current - appreciable) Cathy now has her own tank - an 88 cu ft aluminium one. Her BC failed, though. I swapped my hose onto it underwater.)