

Details for dive number 348

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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16 May 1987 Raasay, south end Skye Scotland 26 25 25 Iain Hosking, Kevin McGuire Two stars First dive of the most memorable Skye trip in the history of the world. The van disintegrated at the end of the drive up [gearbox], and we spent hours trying to sort out some transport. Since no time was left to launch elsewhere Geoff stuck a pin in the chart and settled on this site, with its attractive mud slope to x metres. Life - hermit crabs and Cerianthus lloydi, which is a type of anemone living in a disgusting rubbery tube in the seabed. Rain. Wind. Waves.