

Details for dive number 287

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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4 Jul 1986 F2 & barge Scapa Flow Orkney Scotland Wreck site 15 16 31 Iain Hosking, Kenny Jack Three stars Down shot line onto black seabed. Momentary doubt as no wreck in sight, then relief as I saw the line joining the two ships. Followed it to the destroyer, where we looked around the bows and gun before gnashing back to the barge. In and out of the rooms, saw a vice and two sets of twin anti-aircraft guns. Ballan wrasse, pollack and small fish. 10m stop on mast, 5m stop free (drifted over the destroyer). Twin 55s