

Details for dive number 253

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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14 Sep 1985 Catalina Great Cumbrae Clyde Scotland Wreck site 25 27 30 Iain Hosking, Geoff Hide Three stars Dived after a visit to the aquarium. Dropped shot straight onto wreck using new transits. Tied one SMB line onto starboard wingtip and carried out circular search for cockpit. We can now state that it isn't in a semicircular area with a 26, radius from the wing. Found a motor and marked it for John and Ruth. Plenty of life on the bottom, including a gurnard, 6 inches long. First I've seen. Sea pens not phosphorescent. Wreck murky but swarming with fish. own