

Details for dive number 149

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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6 Aug 1983 Helen Wilson Kerrera (Ardentrive Bay, opposite Oban Harbour) Oban Scotland Wreck site 35 14 16 Iain Hosking, Eric Franz Three stars Spent early part of the afternoon echo-sounding for the Sunderland. Nothing, so dived this trawler, which is in Ardentrive Bay, opposite Oban harbour, and is buoyed. Up to gunwhales in silt - superstructure still more or less intact. Left a gasmask on the wheel as our calling card. Recovered knife and tank boot. Decompressed on a barge nearby in only 4m of water, and left another calling card in its boiler. Fruitless search for seaplane afterwards. own