

Details for dive number 458

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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7 Aug 1991 Nonnkina Bommie Holmes Reef Australia 25 20 29 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Five stars Beautiful dive after a nauseous trip out (mainly overnight). New and unfamiliar equipment meant I had to go back for more weight. Also the Mirage BC held no air. First impression was of stunningly clear water. Then we saw the bommie with a constellation of fish all around it. Most were familiar only from magazines but I was delighted to see a pair of clownfish in close attendance to their anemone, driving off passers-by. As well as the fish (which I'll identify later) we saw numerous different kinds of coral, crinoids and, on top of the bommie, a beautiful big crayfish, in a pink/lilac/white colour scheme. Surfaced to see mysterious white mounds on the horizon, which after we'd climbed into the boat turned out to be beaches on a very extensive coral reef (covers 90 degrees of our field of view). Fish positively identified: rock cod (spots), trevally (shoal), butterflyfish (long nose), longfin bannerfish, angelfish, half-and-half chromis (front black, back white), wrasse (a multitude of colours and shapes), steephead parrotfish, fire dartfish (like a blenny with a sabre-like dorsal fin), striped surgeonfish (yellow, longitudinal black stripes with blue/white stripes in centre of black stripes - poisonous blade either side of the tailfin), clown triggerfish (dots on top, white patches underneath. New wet suit. 20lbs weight.