

Details for dive number 415

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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17 Jul 1990 Am Plastair Soay St Kilda Scotland 42 18 18 Iain Hosking, Cathy Humphries Four stars Monday was spent sailing from Canna to St Kilda, arriving at sunset. This was our first dive on St Kilda. Dived on the Soay side of the stack. Dropped into the water under brooding cliffs with clouds swirling around their tops, and descended to the bottom at 40m Vis not too good, and water very green, but underwater life very pretty, with some anemones I hadn't seen before, with green centres and red tips to the tentacles. After dive - breakfast, a walk round the village, lunch and a climb to the south peak of Hirta, overlooking DĂșn. [4 stars for the setting and atmosphere, rather than the dive]