

Details for dive number 394

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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25 Mar 1989 Shiprock Port Hacking Sydney Australia 15 45 45 Iain Hosking, Sarah McCracken Three stars Was to have been the 'Tuggerah' but when we phoned Max he said 'No mate, it's been blowing all night mate,' so it was plan B again. From the tide tables it looked ideal - HW at 10.07 am at Port Hacking, but in fact the current was ferocious, and appeared to be ebbing. It rained while we changed, the vis was relatively poor, and my right sleeve leaked, but apart from that it was fine. Saw a black anglerfish, hanging on to the soft coral using its fins like hands. Also a goatfish, with an attendant juvenile, by its appearance. Usual piles of fish, especially leatherjacket. Not bad. Hired 88 (which required an extra 4lbs - I was buoyant by the end of the dive).