

Details for dive number 378

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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10 Dec 1988 Undola off Royal National Park Sydney Australia Wreck site 45 16 28 Iain Hosking, Martin Zolfel Four stars This is a lovely little wreck, best thing I've seen around Sydney. Very dodgy dive, though. Calculated I had enough air for 15 minutes at 43m, plus stops, but that didn't take account of a respectable current. Visibility was good - there was still lots of brass to see on the wreck (valves and things), plus kitchen tiles from Aberfoyle Quarry and a 'Shanks Barrhead' loo [Barrhead is where they make Irn Bru.] Very colourful fish, including baby scalyfin and a sizeable six-spined leatherjacket (with a black and yellow spot on the side). Towards the end of the dive the fun started, as Mark called us down to look at the prop, then I noticed I had about 30 bar left. When the anchor was lifted (using a lifting bag!) the 6m bar was lifted to 2m, and Sarah's borrowed Brain was flashing 'Dec 6' at me. Plus I now had zero air. After what seemed an age the bar dropped back to 6m, whereupon the Brain said we could now go to 3m. I grabbed the spare air, only to find it didn't work, and I had to borrow air from another diver with a twinset. Eventually surfaced after 28 minutes. Never again will I do that depth for that time with that tank. own tank (200 bar)