

Details for dive number 273

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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8 Mar 1986 Belnahua Quarry Belnahua Oban Scotland Freshwater site 10 20 20 Iain Hosking, Ian Harrington Two stars Failed to dive the HF due to weather (Wind force 7, sea state 4) so 'Let's do 50m in the quarry!' Good idea, except the fantastic vis lasted till 8m, below which was a pit of a yellowish evil-smelling substance not at all conducive to diving in. So we stayed above it and raised a rusty bolt with a makeshift lifting bag. Haven't had so much fun since I crashed the car. own, Rollo's twin 55s.