

Details for dive number 263

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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19 Oct 1985 Helena Faulbaums Belnahua Oban Scotland Wreck site 52 15 35 Iain Hosking, Sarah McCracken Three stars Unpromising start to the trip when the car blew up, but despite all odds dropped the shot on the engine casing and went for it. Attached strobe to line and swam off. Found ourselves back at the light. Taking a different direction we swam forwards, past mast and winches to the lamp room. Found a light bulb. The wreck made much more sense on the way back - noted the 'greenhouse' over the engine room, funnel, soup plate. Fair current on the stops, which we occupied by untying Sarah [eh?], losing the soup plate and eating an apple. Vis not as good as previous dives, and more narked than usual. Engine room is much more broken up than other parts of the wreck - very disorientating. own (Rollo's twin 55s)