

Details for dive number 224

Dive number Date Site Location Area Country Wreck Freshwater Depth (m) Bottom time (min) Total time (min) Divers Quality Summary Equipment
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26 May 1985 Bass Rock Forth Scotland 28 22 24 Iain Hosking, Sarah McCracken Three stars Sarah's first dive in her new drysuit. My first dive since last July in a wetsuit. Dived the NE corner of the Bass on an ebb tide and followed the current anticlockwise. Depth 20m at first onto level bedrock, with brittle stars, plumose and dahlia anemones. At end of dive drifted over a massive drop-off going down to at least 40m. Jenny saw seals underwater. Wetsuit, club 60, Graham's weightbelt (about 28lbs). Rest as usual.